h-index (According to Web of Science): 12 (click here for more detail)

Fast Track Review of COVID-19 manuscripts
An Introduction to our January-March 2019 articles
Our new scheme for a waiver of the publication fee
Quality evaluation of one of our RCTs by AORN
Moving to Scholar One, a product of Clarivate Analytics

Common mistakes in statistical analysis of biomedical research:
An Interview with Amy Moore from George Washington University, DC, USA, November 18, 2018

An Introduction to our October-December 2018 articles
An Introduction to our September 2018 articles
An introduction to our August 2018 articles
An Introduction to our July 2018 articles
Postdoctoral Fellow in Public Health and Healthy Ageing: The University of Hong Kong (Deadline: July 31, 2018)
Meta-Analysis Workshops in Hong Kong, Chicago, London, and Los Angeles in 2018
Research Reporting Guidelines and Supporting Documents for Authors
Our June 2018 articles: Five Randomized Controlled Trials and one Meta-Analysis

Practical Experience for Doctors in Training: An Interview with Filip Pajak, Project Manager of SASA Foundation, Warsaw, Poland, November 18, 2016

Electronic Physician Journal Supports the International Congress of Diseases and Health Outcomes Registry and National Congress of Medical Informatics; February 2017

Back to Nature in the future: Homeopathy. An interview with Dr. Kudret Parpar, Assistant Professor at Medipol University in Istanbul, Turkey. July 20, 2016

International Conference on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies (ICHSMT’16): Tlemcen, Algeria 27-29 September 2016. Editors of Electronic Physician Journal including Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Seger from Germany, Associate Prof. Dr. Khelassi Abdeljalil from Algeria, and Dr. Mehrdad Jalalian from Iran speak on Publication Ethics, Assessment of scientific journals, Health Science and Social Medicine.

Effects of classical music and preferred music on mental health: an interview with Dr. Miranda Yeoh, Biologist and Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from Malaysia. May 12, 2016

Should clinical trials be covered by insurance? An interview with Dr. Ayat Ahmadi, epidemiologist and a researcher at the Clinical Trial Center of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran. March 28, 2016

Teaching the German language as an effective factor for specialized medical education in Germany. An opinion letter by Dr. Yashar Motayagheni, Iran. June 05, 2015

Autoethnography: the real voice, By: Associate Editor, Professor Dr. Syed Tajuddin Syed Hassan, UPM, Malaysia, November 2014